Logo isn't displaying in Teams meetings/calls
under review
Allan Normandin
Allan Normandin
Sorry for the slow response. I was out for the holiday.
Here is a screenshot below showing the issue. On the left I have VCam open and the logo displaying in the top left. On the right, you can see the Teams meeting and no logo.
Let me know what additional information you need.
Jon Young
under review
Jon Young
Hi Allan, I've relayed this one onto the team for further investigation, although it does sound a little strange. What you see inside VCam.ai is essentially mixed into one image that is then shown on Teams, Webex, etc. In that sense, the VCam camera should either entirely work or not work at all.
Can I just check that Teams isn't cropping your camera feed, and therefore hiding the logo from view? If you were to position your hand behind the logo, do you see your hand in Teams?